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NOW LIVE Podcast Episode 24 Keeping Mama Happy
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What’s more, the factors that caused your self-doubt in the first place are not always the same ones that are maintaining it now. Perhaps bullying as a child caused your habit of self-doubt initially, but as an adult, your mental habit of asking other people for reassurance is what’s maintaining it.

Have you heard the saying "When Mamma isn't happy, nobody's happy"? It is true that mothers have an enormous influence on the emotional climate in the home. In this episode we discuss the impact of mother's wellbeing on the family and what we can do as women to work towards our own wellbeing

Resilience is the ability to bounce back from adversity. How well we do during challenging times depends upon our resilience. In this episode we explore compassion as a practice to build resilience
This is from a live session for youth on building resilience.

We have heard the saying: When life gives you lemons, make lemonade. In this session, we explore the ways in which we cope with adversity, attitudes and practices that are helpful and those that are unhelpful. We also talk about the idea of post traumatic growth and what we can all do to learn and grow during challenging times.

Racism is like an invisible gas that we all breathe. Whether we benefit from it or internalize messages that harm us, racism shapes our thinking and actions, often unconsciously, even if we don’t want it to.

Many of us have been struggling with too much togetherness in our families during the lockdown. The stress of changes around us, the anxiety of the unknown and the fact that everyone is struggling are making it more challenging than ever to get along. In this episode we discuss some of the ways we can manage.

In this short presentation, we outline three simple and practical ways to manage family relationships during the lockdown

As parents we are busy taking care of our families and can sometimes feel that we are running on empty. When we feel like we are running on empty, it can impact the emotional climate of the home and that is a big reason to remember to take care of ourselves as well.
In this session, we had a very interesting discussion about what it means to take self-care seriously and how we can adopt it as a way of life

We all know the saying “First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes the baby in the baby carriage.” But what happens after that? The transition from “married” to “married with children” can be tough. Suddenly your time is not your own, you are tired, sleep deprived and pulled in so many directions. Although having children is a big blessing, it is also a huge responsibility and the challenges that come with parenthood can put a strain on the strongest of relationships.

What are the differences between Religion and Spirituality?
While many parents focus on teaching children the basics of religious practice, it is important to also focus on fostering a spiritual outlook to life. There is a difference and what parents do, matters.
We outline how parents can foster a relationship with God in their children and nurture a spiritual perspective while teaching the basics about religion.

What it is and why it matters. We also discuss the common misconceptions about self compassion, we explore the difference between guiding with compassion and guiding with criticism. We end the session with some simple but powerful self-compassion excercises.

In this episode, we covered the following points:
Introduction – the Islamic foundation
What is attachment – difference between bonding and attachment
Why is it important – the lifelong effects of attachment on the child
What does secure attachment look like
Obstacles to secure attachment
Tips to foster the attachment bond

What are the differences between Religion and Spirituality?
While many parents focus on teaching children the basics of religious practice, it is important to also focus on fostering a spiritual outlook to life. There is a difference and what parents do, matters.
We outline how parents can foster a relationship with God in their children and nurture a spiritual perspective while teaching the basics about religion.

How to raise an emotionally intelligent child.
What it means to be emotionally literate, why we need to focus on this and how parents can nurture emotional intelligence in their children

A recording of a live session at a milad for a wedding. Please excuse the sounds of the toddler who really wanted to be heard :)
In this session we cover a necessary ingredient for a Muslim home - that of sukun or tranquility.
What is tranquility, what are reasons why it is so important, and how do we create sukun within ourselves and in our homes.

What is the new reality for parents and how does this impact family wellbeing and happiness?
Parents today are trying harder than ever to be good parents and create a family culture that is peaceful and happy. And despite this many families are struggling with knowing what to do - what works and what doesn't.

Recording of a live session.
How do we practice kindness and compassion in our marriages? How do we stand in love and rise in love after falling in love?
What are the key ingredients of a compassionate and loving relationshi

This is a recording of a live session with parents on the 5 pillars of positive parenting and how we can apply them to our parenting.
We had a lively discussion with LOTS of questions, especially about managing emotions in children.

Messages that include children's needs, perspectives and points of view can make a difference in thier development: behaviourally (imitating sharing or imitating aggression), socially (making friends or bullying their classmates in school or on the internet); cognitively (learning school preparedness skills or developing short attention spans) and even physically .

Mental illness affects the whole family and yet many family members are completely unprepared for dealing with the effects on the family and often do not know how to best support their loved ones through this challenge.
In this session, we offer basic guidance on recognizing mental illness, what to do and how to recognize the limits of your abilities.

Sometimes despite our best efforts what we want to say does not transfer to the listener. The impact of our communication is very different from what we intended.
What does good communication look like?
How do we develop good communication skills?
We discuss these and many other questions in this live session.

Recording of a live session on Parents as Leaders of the household. What roles they play and the impact of parental leadership on children.

Parents today are more concerned than ever about raising children who are happy and well adjusted. Yet the stats show that mental and emotional wellbeing amongst youth is at an all time low, at least in North America.

It is said that happy families look a lot like each other whereas those that are unhappy are each unhappy in their own way. In this episode we talk about intentionally strengthening our families. This begins by recognizing what characteristics families have that makes them healthy and strong.

Do you wonder why you react differently to people who may behave in a similar way. being understanding of one person and annoyed at the other? Your reaction is probably based on the balance in your emotional bank account.