But emails are so important for my work!

One of the biggest reservations that come up with the concept of time blocking are from those of us who are accountable to others for our time.

This sounds something like this:

My boss expects instant answers to emails

Emails contain important information for me to get my work done.

Here’s the thing: when our workday is run by external forces, it is so easy to lose sight of our own goals.

Here is how Cal Newport would address these common concerns:

Periods of open-ended reactivity can be blocked off like any other type of obligation.

Even if we are blocking most of our day for reactive work, for example, the fact that we are controlling our schedule will allow us to dedicate some small blocks (perhaps at the beginning of the day) for deeper pursuits and meaningful work of high quality, whether it is learning, self-growth or content creation.
In other words, we are being intentional about being available to others, bosses, clients and other stake holders at set times (even it is most of the day) and carving out some sacred times in the day for things that are important but not urgent.
Cal Newport adds, "Using your inbox to drive your daily schedule might be fine for the entry-level or those content with a career of cubicle-dwelling mediocrity, but the best knowledge workers view their time like the best investors view their capital, as a resource to wield for maximum returns".

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