A tranquil home

A recording of a live session at a milad for a wedding. Please excuse the sounds of the toddler who really wanted to be heard :)

In this session we cover a necessary ingredient for a Muslim home - that of sukun or tranquility.

What is tranquility, what are reasons why it is so important, and how do we create sukun within ourselves and in our homes.

Here is a link to the blog posts mentioned in the audio

The Trouble Tree:


The 36 questions that lead to love




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The Leadership Roles of Parents

Recording of a live session on Parents as Leaders of the household. What roles they play and the impact of parental leadership on children. 




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Parenting to Raise Happy Kids

Parents today are more concerned than ever about raising children who are happy and well adjusted. Yet the stats show that mental and emotional wellbeing amongst youth is at an all time low, at least in North America.

So what are we doing wrong? Why are our well-meaning strategies having the opposite effect of what we intend for our children? 

We answer these and other questions in this recording from a live presentation.



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What do strong families have in common?

It is said that happy families look a lot like each other whereas those that are unhappy are each unhappy in their own way. In this episode we talk about intentionally strengthening our families. This begins by recognizing what characteristics families have that makes them healthy and strong. 



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A Letter to My Daughter on Graduation Day

My Dearest Daughter 

As I see you standing tall in your hat and gown, my heart is bursting with pride. I watch you confident in your step and radiant in your smile. As you step onto the threshold of life outside “the bubble” (as you call it), I silently pray that you have many many reasons to flash that beautiful smile. You have worked hard and your achievements are well deserved. The pride I feel today, however, is the result of who you are as a person and not simply at what you have achieved. I am humbled and inspired by the poised young woman I see before me, wanting to contribute to making this world better, with a heart that is motivated by love and a sense of justice that leads her to take action towards the establishment of a better future for this planet. 

The degree that will hang on the wall will open many doors for you, I hope. It will, I pray, be the start of much success and achievement. People will likely commend you for the...

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