Distinguishing feeling and action

Do you want to hear a top secret about super successful people?
From what I have heard, read and studied, super successful people also have fears, self-doubts and anxieties - just like you and me.
Yup. The only difference is that they don’t let these feelings get in the way of taking action.
I like how Steve Chandler puts it in Reinventing Yourself:  "Somehow, as grown-ups, we have talked ourselves into assuming that we can’t do anything we’re afraid of doing; that being afraid to do it is the same thing as being unable to do it. But a little practice just doing it shows us that this was a false assumption".
Being afraid to do something is not the same thing as being unable to do it.
Feeling fear and taking action are two separate things.
And those of us who wait till fear is over before we take action need to know this: that taking action can cause a change in feelings. The only way to get over fear of taking action is to keep taking action DESPITE the fear. Once we take action despite our fears, we will realise that fear did not actually kill us. That we could still act in the face of fear (which is the definition of courage by the way)
So action generates courage.  Please read that again: ACTION GENERATES COURAGE. Waiting for courage to appear before action does not generate courage.

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