Practicing Self-Compassion

In this episode we discuss Self-Compassion,

What it is and why it matters. We also discuss the common misconceptions about self compassion, we explore the difference between guiding with compassion and guiding with criticism. We end the session with some simple but powerful self-compassion excercises.



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What do strong families have in common?

It is said that happy families look a lot like each other whereas those that are unhappy are each unhappy in their own way. In this episode we talk about intentionally strengthening our families. This begins by recognizing what characteristics families have that makes them healthy and strong. 



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The Emotional Bank Account

Do you wonder why you react differently to people who may behave in a similar way. being understanding of one person and annoyed at the other? Your reaction is probably based on the balance in your emotional bank account. 


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You have a right to be angry

blogs emotions motivation Nov 05, 2015

Atiya started as soon as she sat down: “Here is what they did to me. And this and this and this”, she said as she recounted a long list of perceived injustices that her supervisory team at work had inflicted upon her. “Don’t you think my anger is justified? Don’t I have the right to be angry?” 


It is tempting to convince ourselves in situations like these that anyone in our shoes would react the same way. That we are doing what any ‘normal’ human being would do, that is be angry. 

Do you have a right and a justification to be angry when someone crosses a boundary or does you harm? 

You have a right to be angry. Of course you do! 

This is naturally how our brain thinks when we are upset. It is almost as if there was a lawyer inside our head making a case for our anger and against the person whom we are angry with. The lawyer inside our head is highly skilled. She picks and chooses her facts very...

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The first five minutes

You have had a hard day and are at the end of your rope. Maybe it is all his fault or maybe it is something else. It is nearly time for your significant other to come home. You cannot wait to vent. To “have it out” with him or just to “let it all out”. 

Consider this: The first few minutes of the interaction after you have been away from each other sets the tone for the rest of the evening. If you can just hang in there for a few minutes and greet your significant other and welcome them, the effort will be worth your while. 

It is much more productive to have a de-stressing conversation when both of you are calm and ready to listen. 

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